Monday, 20 August 2012

The smut won't stop!!!

Just because I have embarked upon a PhD don't get the idea that Kinky Clay will be forgotten.  I love making erotica because it is so expressive and I just keep getting these rude little ideas into my head..!  Watch out in the next week or so for a full professional portfolio shoot with a full public price list, agents and galleries please get in touch.  For the moment if you look on all of the pages of Kinky Clay you can find all of my erotica portfolio and a lovely erotic story I wrote for another artists project....

The new impossible art that I am working on is bound to get wrapped into the erotica at some point.  Sexuality is a deeply spiritual and connected state in which we sometimes become capable of existential experience.  Because of this I can see my 'impossible' work helping to extend the language that I am using to express my erotic ideas.  Already I use the twisted toroidal form and impossibly turned heads that look right but are wrong and I can see this going further with time.

I hope you stay with me on my journey, thanks for your visit and goodbye for now :)x