Friday, 16 November 2012

British Women Artists 

I have been invited by Jo Wonder of British Women Artists to show my erotic work alongside other art work in a legitimate art setting.  I am so pleased as  it seems to me that despite the excellent work of sites like erotic meet (see link below) artwork like mine risks being marginalised in the erotic art world.  At thje end of the day it is all art, and my work does not set out to titillate, rather to question and expand thinking about important subjects which I find easiest to express through use of sex and sexual relationships.

So well done BWA for being forward thinking and seeing my work for what it is.  Thanks for your visit :)

These are the pieces I have entered into their competition....

Monday, 20 August 2012

The smut won't stop!!!

Just because I have embarked upon a PhD don't get the idea that Kinky Clay will be forgotten.  I love making erotica because it is so expressive and I just keep getting these rude little ideas into my head..!  Watch out in the next week or so for a full professional portfolio shoot with a full public price list, agents and galleries please get in touch.  For the moment if you look on all of the pages of Kinky Clay you can find all of my erotica portfolio and a lovely erotic story I wrote for another artists project....

The new impossible art that I am working on is bound to get wrapped into the erotica at some point.  Sexuality is a deeply spiritual and connected state in which we sometimes become capable of existential experience.  Because of this I can see my 'impossible' work helping to extend the language that I am using to express my erotic ideas.  Already I use the twisted toroidal form and impossibly turned heads that look right but are wrong and I can see this going further with time.

I hope you stay with me on my journey, thanks for your visit and goodbye for now :)x

Thursday, 19 April 2012


Everything came out fine, no breakages.  I am so chuffed.  There were two erotica pieces in there Rodeo Girl and another in the eternity series...

Jus realised it's nearly Friday so I am going to post this for #fetishfriday a great idea by Cara Sutra :)

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Rodeo Girl - getting hotter!

All of the sculptural work is finished now and my horny little couple are in the kiln getting even hotter as I write this.  I have heard no 'clunk's' so far so hopefully all is well and there will be no firing damage.  I found it very difficult to choose which pictures to put up and there will be more when they are out but here are a few to be going on with....

It's Ok she know's what she's doing - she's an artist :))

For those who think that this is just a bit of rude artisan work designed to be controversial and wowing - this piece is about sexual politics!  Nuff said??  I dunno - how often do you see a woman with her clothes on in a sex scene?  How often do you see a girl fucking a guy?  I bet some of you thought it was a guy?  Does he look like he is enjoying himself?  Does she look cruel?  Or is that love and hot concentration on her face? Are either of them classically good looking?  Is her strap on bigger than his cock!!? lol.

Personally I think every woman should know what it is like to fuck and every guy should know what it is like to be fucked, but it's whatever turns you on eh?

Thanks for your visit :)

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Rodeo Girl ...making erotica

Sorry the posts have been a bit sporadic, finding the time to download my pic's and post at the same time as being a mum, doing my tutoring and the normal day to day running of Blackcutwitch Designs can be hard.  So here are a few pic'c from the last weeks making sessions.


Her sleeves are on and her hands are done.  Couldn't resist a few humerous shots while his head is still loose!
 Guess where the weak point is?! Ha ha!  A little slip should sort that out which gives me the opportunity to say 'I just need to stick a little slip on her Dildo'   Ah!  Innuendo heaven.
Perfect little cowboy boots, no spurs!!!     

Let me out - have you seen what she is doing to my body?  I want to feel that!

Finally his head can go on.  He needs some plumping  and his hands doing and then it will be a long dry before the nail biting kiln firing.

At last he got a cock of his own, but I can reassure you -  hers is bigger :)

Ta for your visit.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Rodeo Girl - getting there...

I've done a bit more since these were taken but I love these photos, lmfao!!

More later thanks for your visit :)

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Work in progress ....

I've got the waistcoat on and am doing the detail around the belts and strap-on.  Head next ....

ta for visiting :)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Peg the Rodeo Girl...

I had heard that this sort of sex ix called pegging so how appropriate to cal her Peg :)  she is going to have a small waistcoat on before I fix her to the lower body.  I'll put on the waist detail after fixing then her head, arms and hat in that order. When sculpting an action scene like this you really have to think ahead, experience helps.  I am leaving his arms and head till last since I could so easily knock them and ruin an hours work in a moment.

I haven't been sculpting much this week as I had scheduled a few days break with my partner.  Hopefully I shall be able to grab some sculpting hours over the weekend.

Thanks for your visit, keep it kinky ;o

Friday, 2 March 2012

Rodeo Girl in progress ....

I am going to be putting her torso on today and will get working on her head.  The last bit will be putting his head and arms on, then the finishing details (like his cock and her hat!!)  I am having so much fun with this even though it is slow going and very challenging at times like this I love being a capable sculptor :)  Thanks for your visit.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Rodeo Girl

Finally getting enough sculpture time to work on this ....  thought this was a funny pic.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Prints now available for sale at Red Bubble

I have uploaded some of my digital manipulations onto Red Bubble.  So if you'd like to source an alternative Valentines or Santes Dwynwen card this year look no further :)

Friday, 6 January 2012

Finished a new torus

Not sure what to call this besides 'Eternity IV', 'Wet Dreams' maybe? Any suggestions greatly appreciated :)

I want it to look real enough that it is surreal but line and texture are also important to draw the eye and create movement.  It will probably get a little more finishing and some 'wetness' through glaze or wax.  

Is it about enjoying yourself or jerking off your ego!?!  Bit of both maybe :) yet another eternal cycle......
I'll put up more photos or maybe a video once it has been fired.  If you are interested in owning this piece or would like to commission one please use the gmail address opposite.....

Thank you for your visit, all the best for 2012 :)